Membership Benefits

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Active Membership

Commissioners, superintendents, chiefs and command staff members, national, state, provincial, county, municipal police departments, directors, agent in charge or equivalent.

Associate Membership

Non-law enforcement personnel, retired former members, staff members from law enforcement associations, CEO of Miami-Dade County municipals, law enforcement organization personnel.

Honorary Membership

Honorary Members shall be such members that the Association choose to honor with such membership.

Life-Active Membership

Members that are afforded permanent membership regardless of their membership qualification status. Membership includes all past Presidents and any other person deemed by unanimous vote of the membership to be deserving of this honor shall have the right of all active members.

Life-Inactive Membership

Past presidents or others designated as life members that are no longer active.

Sponsoring Membership

Sponsoring members are those business entities, either individuals, partnerships or corporations who seek to support the Miami-Dade County Association of Chiefs of Police.

Associate members enjoy the same privileges as active members except those of holding office and voting.

Mail in Application
and Payment

Online Payment and Application

Miami-Dade County Association of Chiefs of Police

Honor ▪ Integrity ▪ Efficiency ▪ Professionalism

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Donation Total: $200.00

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